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abercrombie all about seo backlink basics

已有 195 次阅读2013-2-8 15:34

The significanca of these web links lies in attracting traffic. Partly because search engines rate your site higher if you have more backlinks, and partly because you can get visits over the weblinks themselves.

When requesting a link to your page, think about a few things, especially for search engine optimization.

First of all you have to decided what keywords you use for your backlinks. An example of a link to our page would be: juust hollister. This link has the text: juust and will thus contribute to the rank of your site in search result pages when searching for: juust. This obviously has little use. You must dcide in advance which keywords you want to be found.

Suppose you want to be found on the keywords "Internet weblog hollister france, blog, honest" and preferably all combinations here moncler, and you have a blog called Juust hollister. You think it is a comprehensive text and display it as link text for Web sites that link to your post, eg "Juust, honest blog on the internet". That is telling something about you doudoune moncler!

What links are concerned, the rule of thumb (easy to remember) is : the more the better. But .... If you have a group of friends (or multiple websites) and all link to one another exclusively, and to nobody else to back link, search engines will seecomsider it as: link farming. Here you get less traffic instead of more, because of a penalty. So make sure you get enough backlinks from other sites, make the right link text, and place a link back to your link partners, that's so friendly.

There are numerous places on the web to request links hollister, you canplace backlinks on link directories, write articles for article directories hollister france, and post links as bookmarks on the social bookmarking websites. If you want more visits from thelinks , you have to find websites where people meet, so it is better to add comments on weblogs, you can also register at a lot of forums where you can add posts and the social networks are also great places to advertize your website and get a lot of visits.

Search engines like Google do value one link higher than the other abercrombie, depending on which website you place your link. Government websites and university websites are very authoritative websites, if you ask them to place your link on their website, Google value these links very high moncler. The search engines do not like links on sites in the bad neighborhood abercrombie, especially websites with virusses and porn so you want to stay wel away from these.

Last but not least, should you be buying backlinks hollister france? Some websites ask money to place your link. Google do not approve of that woolrich. Google will not give you a penalty for buying link but they will penalize websites that place links for money. That kind of money is better spent in web marketing programs like Google Adwords and Comission JunctionPepperjam. If you do buy link you have to make sure that you do not buy cheap links. Spamlinks can be bad for your fame on the internet and can easily be placed on bad neigborhood websites.

p.s. Feel free to insert a link to juust.org ( )on your website if you find it an helpful story Related articles:

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