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发表于 2010-1-20 12:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    ---Be on guard against the professional  killer of  black qigong's!   
      收件人:美国国会(the Congress)、白宫(the White House)、英国王室、俄罗斯政府、中国政府、全国人大、美国司法部、中国公安部、律师协会、美国各大媒体等

      [ 前言(preface):   互联网诞生之前,由于传播渠道的狭窄,对隐秘的黑色气功(尤其是中国黑色气功)的揭露难于广泛传播。所以人们几乎总是处于半信半疑之间。如今,计算机互联网使其成为可能,即:对黑色气功的宣传有望达到家喻户晓。感谢互联网......
     Before the birth of Internet, because of the narrowness of medium of communication, the exposure of black qigong(especially,of the China black qigong) was difficult to be spread around. So, people were almost always half in belief and half in doubt. Nowadays, computer Internet makes it possible, wit. makes the exposure of black qigong known to each and every family. Thanks for Internet too......]   
    七月十七日给Mr.Bruno(mailto:Mr Bruno,July17)的信,翌日转寄白宫(forward it to the White House the next day---a letter about peculiar functions of qigong  to president ,July 18,2005) .
    your sir:       
    How are you!
    Accompanying the document<<Be on guard against the professional killer of black qigong's!>> ,this letter itself has also been sent to THE WHITE HOUSE, the president and other important departments.
    According to buddhism science, chan's skies(levels) total three big scope, different scope has its different skies(levels), different sky(level) of chan has its different peculiar functions("the magic power"), for example: remote sensing ;seeing,hearing or speaking at a long distance.....etc. People usually understand the magic power of chan's skies by the peculiar functions of qigong.
    But chan is only a kind of practice ways to nirvana.
    The three scope  are:
    the lower: there are six skies(levels)of chan within the scope of desires .
    the higher: there are eighteen skies(levels) of chan within the scope of  material appearence of things.
   the highest: there are four skies of chan within the scope abandoning material appearence of things.
   "Three Scope" total 28 skies(levels) of chan.
    The scope means the body and mind of a chan's practiser, for example, the scope of desires means a chan-practising person's body and mind is full of various desires , e.g. these desires for eating, sleeping,drinking,owning ,licentiousness......etc.
     A person ususlly tries to reach understanding of chan by means of sitting in meditation or practising qigong (qigong included within wushu,
     From lower to higher: the higher the sky is , the fewer its desires remain,the greater its peculiar functions are.The sixth sky  is the highest level in the scope of desires. When a person(practiser )arrives the sixth sky of chan, only obscenity or the desire for it remains. Even if  he only licentiously gets a glimpse of  a woman, falls into the scope of desires at once. The person is just called  "the king of the Davils" or " the head of the Davils".
    As an arrival of chan's skies, his correct  behaviour is that mustn't expose himself but help other people. But the head of the Davils of the sixth sky  always lords it over,harasses the average person,and even resorts to black violence, in order to absolutely control  average persons' body and mind, and to have persons acted according to his own desires ,interests or arrangements.
    Claimed to be the number one , the Qigong master XinYan(严新)living in the U.S as a chinese at present, is just the head of the Devils--
    the first :he embraced  wife tenderly yesterday, and then has sex with his mistresses today; at the same time , gangs up with certain married women (certain well-know women), commits incest. But seemingly these aren't satisfied with himself. He creates his private sexual school to spread over sex and even sexual behaviour outside marriage. He often emits qigong energy by his brain idea to lure person on producing various kinds of desires, e.g. sexual , licentious behaviour. And the qigong image himself often appears ,acts(speaks to,doubles sexual physical sensing)  ,"teaches a lesson" in the sexual scene of man and woman.
     the second:going through practising qigong,wushu and chan's sitting in meditation, he is capable of not eating,not drinking and not sleeping for many years. Except that obscenity or the desire for licentiousness remains, the other desires have been abandoned out of his spiritual scope of chan.
    the third:he claims himself to be the number one of  the persons of peculiar functions', to be the king of chan's skies, to be  the reincarnation of an ancient Great Fairy , to be a living Bodhisattva from the realm of Buddha, to be the living Buddha......in  a word , he is the ruler over any field of society! Ignoring law and human rights , he domineers , controls, harasses and attacks  average persons with his special functions of qigong (but regretefully,some person called his peculiar functions "the magic power").
   The behaviour confirms all.
   Law and human rights are the enemies of the Devils forever.
   Now, I forward you the important document <<Be on guard against the professional killer of black qigong's!>> ,concerning the black qigong master XinYan(严新). From 1991 up to now, the writers  have been pursued and persecuted for fifteen years and more by the qigong master and his peculiar functions. These are illegal savage acts behind  the scenes. It is also a great shame of the so-called "China superman". The  document exposes ,accuses and appeals to lawyers. It is unique  in the 21st century, It is very important in the scientific and legal times.  
    XinYan(严新)must stop harassing and persecuting at once! Must pay a price for his black and low-down acts!  Behaviour abandoning evil and doing good is just correct. It's time to be over!
   XinYan's(严新) e-mail address is at mailto:webmaster@YanXinQigong.CN
   website in chinese:严新气功
   Would you please chide him for his sin?
   With Kind Regards
   正文(the text):
      巫覡、瘟蛊、桃木、桐人、驱鬼,血符、纸人.......相信世界不会惊谔于这些字眼吧,因为您早已翻开了两三千年前的简牍典籍,早已认识了这些赫然耸跳于字里行间的汉字。魔道邪术,在中国古代即作为阁中之密隐蔽在尖锐复杂的矛盾斗争中。被豢养的气功师在打坐入静中运用“对侧意念”、“意象重叠”、“附元入体”“元婴出游”等冥想技术为主子追踪骚扰对象,“慑魄乱神、千里致病”,而达到使对象臣服的目的。如今连某些高鼻白肤的洋人也被教会了——金条外币正养肥着从大陆窜逃而出的中国的气功杀手们。在当代法制社会的前景之后, 气功,被豢养在别有用心的集团手中,收买于贪婪与霸权的私欲下,成为新型的高新武器。因为作为武器的气功不仅具有看不见摸不找虚无缥缈又能杀人逾货的极大特点,而且具有作案后不留蛛丝马迹从而逍遥于现代法律水平之上的最大优点。主子们为此慷慨解囊。那些形形色色的气功老师、教主异人隐迹山中匿形都市,刻苦修炼后证得“秘籍三味”,面对红尘世界的诱惑,心有不甘,终于耐不住“清净无为”的信条,基于“一人发财鸡犬升天”的憧憬与渴望,出山后急急奔命,投其所好于某些集团、宗派和组织,积极充当起“千里杀手”“空中走狗”的角色,这便不足为怪了。

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发表于 2010-1-21 20:22 | 只看该作者
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