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发表于 2007-11-21 18:08
沈晓东, 华卫国, 储维忠, 许峰, 王玉英, 陈慧菊
(上海中医药大学上海市气功研究所, 上海 200030)
[关键词]禁食; 体质量; 血糖; 甘油三酯;小鼠
Physiological and biochemical effects of intermittent fasting combined with hunger-resistant food on mice
Xiao-Dong SHEN, Wei-Guo HUA, Wei-Zhong CHU, Feng XU, Yu-Ying WANG, Hui-Ju CHEN
(Shanghai Qigong Institute, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 200030, China)
ABSTRACTO bjective: To observe the physiological and biochemical effects of intermittent fasting combined with hunger-resistant food on mice, and to evaluate the safety and beneficial effects of this regimen. Methods: One hundred and forty-four adult ICR mice were divided into 4 groups: standard feed AL group (ad libitum intake of standard feed), hunger-resistant food AL group (ad libitum intake of hunger-resistant food), standard feed IF group (feeding standard feed and fasting on alternate days), and hunger-resistant food IF group (feeding hunger-resistant food and fasting on alternate days). The experiment lasted for 4-8 weeks and all mice drank water freely. The quality of life, body weight, fasting blood glucose, serum lipid, blood routine test, liver and kidney functions as well as the viscera indexes were examined. Results: Compared to the standard feed AL group, the caloric taking and the increment of body-weight were reduced (P<0.01), and the viscera indexes of the liver and kidney were elevated (P<0.05) in the hunger-resistant food AL group and the hunger-resistant food IF group, the values of fasting blood glucose were reduced in standard feed IF group and hunger-resistant food IF group (P<0.01), the value of triglycerides was reduced in hunger-resistant food IF group (P<0.05), while the quality of life, blood routine test as well as the liver and kidney functions were not obviously affected in the hunger-resistant food AL group, standard feed IF group and hunger-resistant food IF group. Conclusion: The regimen of intermittent fasting combined with hunger-resistant food is safe and beneficial to metabolic regulation, such as controlling body-weight and adjusting blood glucose and serum lipid. It is expected that development of this regimen will be helpful to the control of obesity and diabetes, etc.
KEY WORDS fasting; body-weight; blood glucose; triglycerides; mice
Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao/J Chin Integr Med, 2006, 4(6): 589-592www.jcimjournal.com
[基金项目]上海市教育委员会科研项目(No. 03CK16)
Correspondence to: Xiao-Dong SHEN. E-mail: sh_xd001@163.com
最新的研究表明,热量限摄(caloric restriction, CR)和断续性禁食(intermittent fasting, IF)能阻止许多疾病的发展,延长啮齿类和猴子的生存期,并改善超重人群的健康[1, 2]。在祖国传统养生术中,有一种方法采取具有“耐饥”特性的食饵或药饵来替代正常食物,在保证基本营养需求下,减少食物摄入的次数和总量,具有“轻身延年”的神奇功效,被称之为辟谷食饵养生术[3~5]。这个传统养生术类似于CR或IF,可能也具有一定的健康维护优势。本实验观察隔日禁食结合耐饥食饵(hunger-resistant food)对实验小鼠生理生化指标的影响,评价其安全性及健康维护优势。
1 材料与方法
1.1耐饥食饵的制作及检验采用《寿世保元•救荒辟谷》中的济饥辟谷方[3],主要为黑大豆、火麻仁、糯米等组成,记载其具有“不饥、满面容光、永无憔悴”等作用。根据古代文献,结合现代加工工艺及考虑小鼠进食特性,将其制作成干脆块状食饵。同时检测其蛋白质、脂肪含量和热量,并检测其食物功效比值(food efficacy rate, FER)。见表1。
表1 标准饲料与耐饥食饵的主要营养成分比较
Table 1 Nutrition comparison of standard feed with hunger-resistant food
Feed Protein
(g/100 g) Fat
(g/100 g) Caloric
(kJ/100 g) FER
Standard feed 20 4.0 1 473 3.36
Hunger-resistant food 33 18.5 1 870 3.69
Standard feed came from the Animal Centre of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the data were reported by Shanghai Experimental Animal Feed Quality Checking-up Station. The nutrition data of hunger-resistant food were checked by Shanghai Food Institute (No.QW051150). FER(%)=body-weight increment/food-taking gross×100, and the data were obtained of 8 weeks old ICR mice feeding for 8 weeks around 20 ℃.
1.2 动物分组与干预 实验分两批进行,第一批ICR小鼠,购自上海西普尔-必凯实验动物有限公司,合格证号SCXR(沪)2003-0002,90只,6周龄,雄性,适应性饲养2周后随机分4组:对照组18只,自由摄食标准饲料;食饵组18只,自由摄食耐饥食饵;隔日禁食组27只,隔日禁食摄食标准饲料;辟谷食饵组27只,隔日禁食摄食耐饥食饵。所有小鼠自由摄水,实验期为8周。第二批ICR小鼠(品系同第一批)54只,6周龄,雌雄不拘,随机分为对照组、隔日禁食组、辟谷食饵组,每组18只,喂养方式同第一批,实验期为4周。
1.3 实验环境 12 h照明(8:00~20:00),室温(20±1)℃左右,湿度控制在40%~70%,小鼠单笼饲养,每周更换垫料至少1次。
1.4 实验方法 每周称体质量1次;摄食量隔日或每3 d称量1次;第一批小鼠实验末摘眼球采血检测空腹血糖,常规解剖取肝、肾、脾、睾丸、甲状腺、胃,并称其湿质量,并计算脏器指数(viscera index, VI),VI (%)=单个脏器湿质量/小鼠个体尸质量×100;第二批小鼠实验末断头采血,3只小鼠作一样本,检测甘油三酯(triglyceride, TG)、总胆固醇(total cholesterol, TC)、血常规、血生化和肝功能。
1.5 仪器设备 TY-600型电子天平,精确度0.1 g,上海精益电子有限公司生产; AEL-200型精密电子天平,精确度0.1 mg,日本岛津公司生产;稳捷全能型血糖测定仪,美国强生公司生产;KX-121型全自动电脑血球仪,日本东亚合成化工株式会社生产;7080型全自动生化分析仪,日本日立公司生产。
1.6 统计学方法 数据用x±s表示,所有实验数据均用SPSS 11.5统计软件统计,组间比较用独立样本t检验。
2 结 果
2.1 生存质量 2批动物实验期间均未出现明显异常,毛色、眼神、反应能力、活动情况、粪尿等都比较正常。隔日禁食组和辟谷食饵组小鼠活动有所增强,特别是在投喂前。实验末常规解剖未见内脏明显病理改变。
2.2 摄食量与热量摄入 第一批小鼠实验期间,食饵组和辟谷食饵组的日均摄食量和日均热量摄入均显著减少。见表2。
2.2 体质量变化 第一批小鼠实验期间,各组小鼠体质量持续上升,对照组和食饵组之间,以及隔日禁食组与辟谷食饵组之间体质量增长趋势呈逐渐分离。8周实验末,隔日禁食组和辟谷食饵组的体质量及其增量要显著小于食饵组和对照组。与对照组相比,隔日禁食组、食饵组、辟谷食饵组体质量增量,分别减少7.0%、25.6%和29.1%。见表3。
2.3 脏器指数 第一批小鼠8周实验结束后,食饵组和辟谷食饵组的肝肾脏器指数升高,脾、胃、睾丸脏器指数各组间差异无统计学意义。甲状腺指数辟谷食饵组>隔日禁食组>食饵组>对照组。见表4。
2.4 血糖血脂 第一批小鼠8周实验结束后,辟谷食饵组与隔日禁食组的空腹血糖减少,见表5。第二批小鼠4周实验结束后,辟谷食饵组的甘油三酯水平降低,见表6。
2.5 血常规与血生化 第二批小鼠实验4周末,对照组、隔日禁食组及辟谷食饵组的血常规检查以及肝肾生化指标,如丙氨酸氨基转移酶、天冬氨酸氨基转移酶、总蛋白、白蛋白、白蛋白与球蛋白比值、总胆红素、血尿素氮、血清肌酐等,组间差异均无统计学意义。
表2 实验8周期间4组小鼠日均摄食量和日均热量摄入
Table 2 Food-taking and caloric taking of mice in 4 groups during 8-week experiment
Group n Food-taking (g/d) Caloric taking (kJ/d)
Standard feed AL 17 5.94±0.31 87.32±4.59
Hunger-resistant food AL 18 4.23±0.17**△△ 79.35±3.28**
Standard feed IF 24 5.55±0.34** 81.65±4.97**
Hunger-resistant food IF 27 3.63±0.25**△△▲▲ 67.87±4.87**△△▲▲
**P<0.01, vs standard feed AL group; △△P<0.01, vs standard feed IF group; ▲▲P<0.01, vs hunger-resistant food AL group. AL means ad libitum intake; IF means intermittent fasting (feeding and fasting on alternate days). One and three mice were excluded from the final statistic in standard feed AL group and standard feed IF group, respectively.
表3 实验8周期间4组小鼠体质量变化
Table 3 Body-weight change of mice in 4 groups during 8-week experiment
(x±s, g)
Group n Body-weight at different time
0 week 2 weeks 4 weeks 6 weeks 8 weeks Body-weight
Standard feed AL 17 31.50±0.96 40.33±2.24 41.44±2.57 41.88±2.75 40.06±2.50 8.56±2.16
Hunger-resistant food AL 18 31.24±1.87 39.54±2.56 40.47±2.54 40.00±2.60 37.64±2.88* 6.41±2.48**△
Standard feed IF 24 30.67±2.06 34.06±2.47 34.98±3.41 36.34±3.01 38.63±3.29 7.95±2.35
Hunger-resistant food IF 27 31.36±2.25 33.18±2.20 34.76±2.63 35.16±1.42 37.51±2.99** 6.14±1.99**△△
*P<0.05, **P<0.01, vs standard feed AL group; △P<0.05, △△P<0.01, vs standard feed IF group. Body-weight at 0 week and 8 weeks was fasting weight, and the body-weight at 2, 4 and 6 weeks was post-diet weight.
表4 实验8周后4组小鼠脏器指数
Table 4 Viscera index of mice in 4 groups after 8-week experiment
(x±s, %)
Group n Liver Kidney Spleen
(×10-1) Stomach Testicle
(×10-1) Thyroid gland
Standard feed AL 17 4.01±0.25 1.88±0.22 2.37±0.32 1.56±0.44 7.14±0.93 5.96±0.60
Hunger-resistant food AL 18 4.57±0.24**△△ 2.01±0.16△△ 2.46±0.46 1.51±0.45 7.16±0.73 6.42±0.68*
Standard feed IF 24 4.14±0.28 1.74±0.19* 2.24±0.39 1.56±0.33 7.00±0.81 6.64±0.70**
Hunger-resistant food IF 27 4.43±0.35**△△ 1.90±0.22△△ 2.47±0.45 1.61±0.33 7.07±0.85 6.80±0.69**
*P<0.05, **P<0.01, vs standard feed AL group; △△P<0.01, vs standard feed IF group.
表5 实验8周后4组小鼠空腹血糖测定结果
Table 5 Fasting blood glucose of mice in 4 groups after 8-week experiment
(x±s, mmol/L)
Group n Glucose
Standard feed AL 17 8.50±1.47
Hunger-resistant food AL 18 8.20±1.10
Standard feed IF 24 6.00±1.36**△△
Hunger-resistant food IF 27 6.20±0.84**△△
**P<0.01, vs standard feed AL group; △△P<0.01, vs hunger-resistant food AL group.
表6 实验4周后3组小鼠血脂测定结果
Table 6 Serum lipid of mice in 3 groups after 4-week experiment
(x±s, mmol/L)
Group n TC TG
Standard feed AL 6 2.30±0.18 1.29±0.09
Standard feed IF 6 2.26±0.18 1.26±0.09
Hunger-resistant food IF 6 2.82±0.72 1.00±0.29*
*P<0.05, vs standard feed AL group.
3 讨 论
IF的现象是人类进化史上以及野生动物的一个普遍的自然特征,因此有可能造成生物体内基因特征性改变以适应这种情况,来维持机体的理想代谢状态[6]。研究表明,IF具有一系列健康维护优势:(1)增强对衰老相关疾病的抵抗能力,延长啮齿类和猴子的生存期;(2)改善心血管和大脑的功能,缓解冠心病和中风的诸多危险因素;(3)增加胰岛素介导的葡萄糖摄取率,调节血糖、血脂;(4)减少血浆类胰岛素样生长因子-1水平和瘦素水平,延迟p53+/–小鼠肿瘤的发生[1, 2, 6, 7]。
辟谷食饵养生术,在我国有着上千年的历史。马王堆汉墓出土的帛书中就记载有“辟谷者食石韦”。许多著名的经典中医学著作都提到,辟谷食饵养生术可以减少摄食的次数和总量,表现出“身轻色好”、“气力百倍”、“走及奔马”、“差少病痛”、“以高寿终”等神奇功效[3, 4]。济饥辟谷方出自《寿世保元•救荒辟谷》,原书中记载服食食饵“第一顿七日不食,第二顿七七日不食,第三顿三百日不食”,表现为断续性摄食和耐饥少食的特点。
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[收稿日期]2006-02-21 |