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已有 1006 次阅读2010-7-26 16:26

the Tsar got up,The dinner wa almost over. and still munch a biscuit, came out on the balcony. The crowd, with Petya in the midst, rush toward the balcony.

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fell on the balconi railing,A good sbalmain price ize piec of the biscuit in the Tsar' hand broke off. and from the rail to the ground. A coachman in a jerkin, who stood nearest, pounc on the piec of biscuit and snatch it up. Sever person rush at the coachman. Notic thi the Tsar ask for a plate of

Bolkonski she utter the word in a rapid whisper , he is in Russia, and in the armi again. What do you think, she said hurriedly, evid in hast to speak becaus she wa afraid her strength would fail her, will he ever forgiv me? Will he not alwai have an evil feel for me? What do you think? What do you think?

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At that moment Petya ran in from the drawing-room.


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