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已有 1014 次阅读2010-9-15 16:56

. 'Come, Don Faustino. Here is the biggest bull of all.'that there wa no piti for him on either side of the line. Still he look both handsom and superb; but time wa shorten and there wa onli on direct to go "Don Faustino stood look out and I think as he looked. shoe manolo ome on called. 'What ar you wait for, "'Don Faustino. Don Faustino?'' some on said and the line laughed "'H is prepar to vomit..' a peasant called. 'Vomit if it will give thee pleasure. To me it is all the same. "'Don Faustino.' as we watched,"Then. Don Faustino look along the line and across the squar to the cliff and then when he saw the cliff and the empti beyond, he turn quickli and duck back toward thmanolo blahnik wedding shoes.' s e entranc of the _Ayuntamiento_.'Where do you go, "Al the line roar and some on shout in a high voice. Don Faustino? Where do you go?'' shout anoth and thei all laugh again "'H goe to throw up.. "Then we saw Don Faustino come out again with Pablo behind him with the shotgun. All of hi style wa gone now. The sight of the line had taken awai hi type and hi style and he came out now with Pablo behind him as though Pablo were clean a Street and Don Faustino wa manoloblahnik what he wa push ahead of him. Don Faustino came out now and he wa cross himself and prai and then he put hi hand in front of hi ey and walk down the step toward the lines.' some on shouted. 'Don't touch him. "'Leav him alone.'with hi hand shake and he


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