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blue manolo blahnik

已有 991 次阅读2010-9-15 16:57

ward the lines.' some on shouted. 'Don't touch him. "'Leav him alone.'with hi hand shake and held in front of hi eyes, "Th line understood and no on made a move to touch Don Faustino and. and with hi mouth moving, he walk along between the lines.when he wa halfwai through the lines, "No on said anyth and no on touch hdiscount manolo blahnik im and. he could go no farther and fell to hi knees.Get up, "No on struck him. I wa walk along parallel to the line to see what happen to him and a peasant lean down and lift him to hi feet and said. Don Faustino, and keep walking. The bull ha not yet come out.'support him by the arm and Don Faustino walk along between the line with hi hand over hi eyes, "Don Faustino could not walk alon and the peasant in a black smock help him on on side and anoth peasant in a black smoc blue manolo blahnik k and herdsman' boot help him on the other. hi lip never quiet, and hi yellow hair slick on hi head and shine in the sun, and as he pass the peasant would say, 'Don Faustino, _buen provecho_. Don Faustino, that you should have a good appetite,' and other said, 'Don Faustino, _a su ordenes_. Don Faustino at your orders,' and one, who had fail at bullfight himself, said, 'Don Faustino. _Matador, a su ordenes_,' and anoth said, 'Don Faustino, there ar beauti girl in heaven, Don Fausmanolo blahnik blue tino.' And thei walk Don Faustino through the lines, hold him close on either side, hold him up as he walked, with him with hi hand over hi eyes. But he must have look through hi fingers, becaus when thei came to the edg of the cliff with him, he knelt again, throw himself down and clutch the ground and hold to the grass, saying, 'No. No. No. Please. NO. Please. Please. No. No.'the hard on of the end of the li


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