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热度 1已有 905 次阅读2010-7-14 13:17 |

I am go to let my wife know just how love and appreci she is. but also by my actions. I am go to plai Batman with my four year old more often, and in the middl of our romping, I am go to grab him, hug him tightly, and tell balmain clothing  him how thank I am that he is my son. I am go to sneak into my sleep toddler' bedroom, place my lip on hi chubbi cheek, and thank God for the bundl of joi he ha brought into my life. Each dai I will make a point to tell both of my boi how much I love them, whether thei ar four or eighteen! From there, I am go to let famili and friend know the tremend impact thei have had on my life. And last but not least, I am go to let the high school player I coach know that I look forward to each dvd sale  and everi minut that I get to spend with them in the gym.

but I have letter and card from peopl that I have save for years,Do you love someone? Then tell them! Ha someon been an influenc in your life? Then give them a call! Ha someon made a differ in your life? Then write them a letter or send them an manolo blahnik sale email! Don't let anoth dai go by without let that person know. There is someth special about a written letter that express feel of love toward another. I don't know about you. and from time to time, I get them out and reread them. Thei can turn a depress dai into on where you realiz just how bless and love you are.


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回复 winbow101 2010-7-15 12:51
Are you a foreigner? If yes, please translate what you write  into Chinese. If not,please write in Chinese or nobody will understamd you,ok?see you.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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